As Women, Can We Really Have It All?

Editor  plus50women

No one can have it all; male or female.  Whoever perpetuated that myth should have been shot.  Men have never had it all.  Let's face it, they had a wife.  And while they could devote their energies to their work and careers, they still didn't have it all.  Those men lost out on the opportunity to be good fathers and good husbands.  They missed out on the special moments of their children's lives, because they were consumed with work. 

Today, a lot of single men are attempting to raise families, work jobs and still have a personal life.  What personal life you say?  Like women in the same scenario, a thinly veiled one. We need to stop trying to live up to false expectations of what we as women should accomplish.  Work by it's self is taxing, stressful and time consuming.  Add to that the needs of a family; house work, yard work, after school activities and you have a recipe for disaster.

Too, many women feel that they need to give a 100% in every aspect of their life.  Considering each day we are given just one 100% to divide amongst our job duties, to believe we can give a 100% in twelve different directions is simply Ludacris.  And this is exactly why women end up giving themselves the short stick in life.  We give until we have nothing left to give.  As women, our mind set is to make everyone else happy, by sacrificing our own happiness.  And if by some off chance we do take the time to make ourselves happy, we feel guilty.  And because we feel guilty, we give up on the things that make our lives enjoyable.

So how do we stop this insanity? Here's an idea that works for me. Learn to make "to do lists".  I love lists.  Lists organize, prioritize and simplify our lives.  Once something is written on a list, it's official.  It's a job duty that you must (today, tomorrow or next week), fulfill.  Lists organize our lives in a wonderful, positive way.  If you can't accomplish everything on your list today, that's okay.  Just roll it over to tomorrow's list of things to do.  As you check off each item on your list, there is a sense of accomplishment, control and relief.  Now if your life is like mine, immediately after checking off one item, three more items are added. Again, that's okay.  You just need to do the best you can d0.  Nothing more.

I believe that statement is easiest resolve to every problem we face in life.  "All we can do, is the best we can do."  We can't change the unexpected things that happen to us, but we can change our attitude in how we deal with them. If you get upset, yell, cry and beat your head against the wall, has the problem changed?  No.  What has changed is you have expended wasted energy you'll ever get back and emotionally, you've made yourself ill.  Did this improve the situation?  Or solve the problem? Of course not.  It only compounded the matter and made it worse.

Let's face it, we all get upset.  It's a fact of life.  Just don't dive in to the deep end of the emotional  swimming pool.  Stay by the shallow end and try to tread water.  If you find yourself slipping under the water's edge, hold your breath.  It's such a tired old cliche', but it's also very true.  Whatever you are dealing with today will pass and life will be better.  Not perfect, but better.

If crying comforts you, then by all means cry.  Just don't spend four days under the covers, with 12 boxes of Kleenex littered across your bed and your eyes swollen shut from extreme hysteria.  Do take a nap, have a brief healthy cry, watch an uplifting movie and allow your self the momentary luxury of feeling bad.  There is nothing wrong in mothering ourselves.  We should show ourselves the same compassion that we so willing give to the rest of the world.

There are no supermen or superwomen.  We all have limits of what we can and cannot do.  Some of us are simply better at juggling then others and from a distance, give the illusion of accomplishing greats feats with our limited time.  But rest assured, for every feat mastered, three more went overlooked.